Ask The Merlin

Thursday 25th April -


The Candle

The Candle is the Sorcerers friend, used throughout time as an aid to magick it is a point of focus, a beacon to manifestation and a carrier of prayer as well as being the source from which transformation can occur. The light from the candle illuminates the darkness and banishes shadows allowing that which is hidden to be seen, it has the power abate fear and restore certainty, lifting illusion and replacing it with truth. Aligned to the element of fire, the Archangel Michael and Lieu the Sun God the candle is a way of stabilising and channelling this often wild power and using it gently for the purposes of good. The candle comes to you now because you need light – and possibly even a little change! Light candles safely in your space and allow their gentle burning glow to pierce the gloom in your mind and show you what needs to be done. Remember to always blow a candle out with intent – sending the light to someone you love – or to pinch out the flame with your fingers so as not to insult the spirit of the flame!