Magic Squares

Saturday 8th February -


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
S T U V W X Y Z  



The magic constant is 15 and the sum of all the numbers of the square is 45. 15 and 45 are triangular numbers. The colours are: white for the numbers and black for the background. The metal of Saturn is lead.


4 14 15 1
9 7 6 12
5 11 10 8
16 2 3 13

The magic constant is 34 the product of 2, the first female number (even are female, odd, without 1 are male) and 17 a male prime number. The sum of all the numbers of the square 136. 136 is strangely bound to 244. 13 +33 + 63 = 244 and 23 +43 + 43 = 136. The colours are: orange-bronze for the numbers and blue for the background. The metal of Jupiter is tin.


11 24 7 20 3
4 12 25 8 16
17 5 13 21 9
10 18 1 14 22
23 6 19 2 15

The magic constant is 65, the second number equal to the sum of 2 squares 1 + 82 and 42 + 72 and product of 5 and 13, two important numbers. The sum of all the numbers of the square is 325, the smallest number sum of 2 squares in three different mode: 1 + 182, 62 + 172, 102 + 152. The colours are: green for the numbers and red for the background. The metal of Mars is iron.


6 32 3 34 35 1
7 11 27 28 8 30
19 14 16 15 23 24
18 20 22 21 17 13
25 29 10 9 26 12
36 5 33 4 2 31

The magic constant is 111, three one. The sum of all the numbers of the square is 666, the number of the Beast of th Apocalypse. The colours are: purple or magenta for the numbers and yellow for the background. The metal of the Sun is gold.


22 47 16 41 10 35 4
5 23 48 17 42 11 29
30 6 24 49 18 36 12
13 31 7 25 43 19 37
38 14 32 1 26 44 20
21 39 8 33 2 27 45
46 15 40 9 34 3 28

The magic constant is 175 equal 1 + 72 + 52. [?] The sum of all the numbers of the square is 1225 = 352 is also triangular. The colours are: lemon yellow for the numbers and dark green for the background. The metal of Venus is bronze.


8 58 59 5 4 62 63 1
49 15 14 52 53 11 10 56
41 23 22 44 48 19 18 45
32 34 35 29 25 38 39 28
40 26 27 37 36 30 31 33
17 47 46 20 21 43 42 24
9 55 54 12 13 51 50 16
64 2 3 61 60 6 7 57

The magic constant is 260, the sum of all the numbers of the square is 2080. The colours are: clear blue for the numbers and orange-bronze for the background. The metal of Mercury is mercury.


37 78 29 70 21 62 13 54 5
6 38 79 30 71 22 63 14 46
47 7 39 80 31 72 23 55 15
16 48 8 40 81 32 64 24 56
57 17 49 9 41 73 33 65 25
26 58 18 50 1 42 74 34 66
67 27 59 10 51 2 43 75 35
36 68 19 60 11 52 3 44 76
77 28 69 20 61 12 53 4 45

The magic costant is 369, formed by 3x1, 3x2, 3x3. The sum of all the numbers of the square is 3321. The colours are opposite Sun colours: yellow for numbers and purple or magenta for the background. The metal of Moon is silver.